Digital Quran Chip for Mobile Phones

My name is Talal Itani. I developed an Electronic Chip that turns a Mobile Phone into a Digital Quran. The Chip plugs into mobile phones with a music player function . The entire Quran is stored inside the Chip in MP3 format.

The Quran is now always with me. I put my phone in my pocket, and I walk, while it is reciting the Quran. I drive, with the cell phone reciting the Quran. If I receive a phone call, recitation is paused automatically, allowing me to answer the call. Once the call ends, recitation starts again automatically.

I put much effort into the quality of the sound. I chose the recitation of Cheikh Saad Gmandi, a recitation I always loved and admired.

I can select a Sura or a Page. If I stop, then start again, recitation continues at the stop point. I can fold the phone, and listen to the Quran through the phone's built-in-speaker. Sometimes I listen through my headset. I tested it with a friend's Bluetooth headset and it works well.

I decided to make the Digital Quran Chip a commercially available product. The chip works with phones having MP3 support and a microSD slot.

If you like more info. please write me or visit my new website

Thank you very much.

Talal Itani

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